August 24, 2012


On the way home last night....

Millie: Mom, wouldn't it be nice if we had a cow? Then we could have fresh milk, and fresh cheese... don't you think we have room to build a little stable?

Mom: Well, cows need lots of room to roam and eat grass.

Millie: Oh, I want to milk a cow though! That's my DREAM! It really is!

William: My dream is to fight a dragon.

Millie: Dragons aren't real! Do you mean you want to be a knight?

William: Yes, AND fight a dragon.

Millie: That's my farm dream, is to milk a cow. And my job dream is to be an artist -- which I already am, and a librarian who does story time with the kids, and to own my own restaurant that serves fresh food.

William: And me is going to be an artist who makes dragons!

Millie: And I want to invent gummy-land, where all the rides are made out of gummies (she then went on to describe gummy-land in great detail).

William: And didn't you realize?? I want to go to Lego-land!

Millie: And someday I want to go to London to see the crown jewels, and I want to go watch some of the real Olympics -- but not gymnastics. That's better on TV because it is close up. Maybe swimming. And then we could see the REAL medal ceremony! AND someday I want to find real pirate treasure that they buried when they sailed the seven seas.

William: Me too.

Be still my heart! I love it when they share their dreams with me. :)


  1. this just about made me cry. i miss them SO MUCH. i can't believe how much they're growing up. i almost want them to stop so i can still see them as they are when i come!

  2. I am so glad you wrote this down. These precious insights don't happen often enough and they definitely need to hear later how much you enjoyed them!

  3. Love the new blog. and that you write down the little moments that touch you - it will be a treasure for your kids.
