August 24, 2012


On the way home last night....

Millie: Mom, wouldn't it be nice if we had a cow? Then we could have fresh milk, and fresh cheese... don't you think we have room to build a little stable?

Mom: Well, cows need lots of room to roam and eat grass.

Millie: Oh, I want to milk a cow though! That's my DREAM! It really is!

William: My dream is to fight a dragon.

Millie: Dragons aren't real! Do you mean you want to be a knight?

William: Yes, AND fight a dragon.

Millie: That's my farm dream, is to milk a cow. And my job dream is to be an artist -- which I already am, and a librarian who does story time with the kids, and to own my own restaurant that serves fresh food.

William: And me is going to be an artist who makes dragons!

Millie: And I want to invent gummy-land, where all the rides are made out of gummies (she then went on to describe gummy-land in great detail).

William: And didn't you realize?? I want to go to Lego-land!

Millie: And someday I want to go to London to see the crown jewels, and I want to go watch some of the real Olympics -- but not gymnastics. That's better on TV because it is close up. Maybe swimming. And then we could see the REAL medal ceremony! AND someday I want to find real pirate treasure that they buried when they sailed the seven seas.

William: Me too.

Be still my heart! I love it when they share their dreams with me. :)

August 21, 2012

talking in his sleep

Overheard last night while William was sleeping:

"Me want to drive some cars and find a digger and make a new road. Yeah."


August 17, 2012

this summer

We've had a fun summer! But I must say, the heat does tend to bring out the silliness in us.

We've done some fun projects! Lots of painting, of course... the kids LOVE painting and drawing!

The kids have made more blanket forts, secret hideouts and -- ok -- MESSES than I can count. But they've had a blast doing it. :)

We also made these cool "stained glass" buntings, with grated crayons melted between wax paper. I still need to take a picture of the finished project, but we got the idea here. They were so much fun to make! Millie LOVED grating the crayons, and they look so cheerful in our windows.

One evening we went to the park with Grandma, Grandpa, Hailey and the Thayns to fly remote control helicopters, and even though the batteries only lasted a few minutes, the kids had a blast chasing the helicopters all over and trying to guess where they would land.

We've spent lots of time at Grandma Johansen's house...

...and lots of time playing with Ashton and Gavin. We love having family close by and wish we lived close to the Vaughns as well!

It wouldn't be summer without the splash park, and we have spent lots of time there this summer. The kids seem to tolerate the heat better than me, so I don't spent a lot of time in the backyard with them right now -- so the splash park is perfect. I spend some time in the shade and some time in the water, the kids get wet and play towel-superheros to their hearts content, and we all get to be outside. :)

As lovely and cooling as the water is, however, it is still HOT outside. Remember those heat-induced sillies I was telling you about?

Yeah. We've got 'em bad. :)

July 16, 2012

over the weekend...

First of all: IT RAINED!!! As you can see, we were all ecstatic.

It's been way too long, and the kids couldn't get enough! They were outside pretty much every second that it rained this weekend, even when the rain was falling sideways because of the wind.

It was lovely.

We also made chocolate chip cookies, with lots of snitches for Will....

....and homemade playdough. Our favorite part is kneading the color into the hot dough. :)

Playdough is one of our favorite things -- both kids will play with it for hours! I love the creative and sensory aspects (and of course I think anything that will keep the kids occupied for hours is awesome).

I think the kids' favorite part of the weekend was the zoo they made. They had all kinds of animals, each with their own unique and labeled enclosure, feeding and brushing times, a vet station in case of animal injury, and an open/closed sign on a gate. They played with this alllll weekend long. It was so cute!

I love these kids and their huge imaginations!

July 13, 2012

this moment

{this moment} 
A single moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

July 12, 2012

from the iPhone: may and june

m a y 

games :: walks :: 7th birthday (gasp!) :: eclipse :: digger shows (so exciting) :: visit from grandma and grandpa vaughn :: last day of school :: sprinkler baseball

j u n e

swings :: park days :: apricots :: (more apricots) :: lost teeth :: cousins :: reading with grandma :: self-portraits

July 7, 2012

new blog

Welcome to hummingbird*sea! I wanted to get back into regular blogging, but I also felt like my other blog had run its course. The address was millieleevaughn and of course we have William now, too, plus I wanted a new look and feel. So I started a new blog! I'm excited to start posting more regularly.

The next week or so I'll be playing catch up, at least for summer happenings, and then I hope to get into a rhythm that will keep it current.

Thanks for visiting!