July 16, 2012

over the weekend...

First of all: IT RAINED!!! As you can see, we were all ecstatic.

It's been way too long, and the kids couldn't get enough! They were outside pretty much every second that it rained this weekend, even when the rain was falling sideways because of the wind.

It was lovely.

We also made chocolate chip cookies, with lots of snitches for Will....

....and homemade playdough. Our favorite part is kneading the color into the hot dough. :)

Playdough is one of our favorite things -- both kids will play with it for hours! I love the creative and sensory aspects (and of course I think anything that will keep the kids occupied for hours is awesome).

I think the kids' favorite part of the weekend was the zoo they made. They had all kinds of animals, each with their own unique and labeled enclosure, feeding and brushing times, a vet station in case of animal injury, and an open/closed sign on a gate. They played with this alllll weekend long. It was so cute!

I love these kids and their huge imaginations!

July 13, 2012

this moment

{this moment} 
A single moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

July 12, 2012

from the iPhone: may and june

m a y 

games :: walks :: 7th birthday (gasp!) :: eclipse :: digger shows (so exciting) :: visit from grandma and grandpa vaughn :: last day of school :: sprinkler baseball

j u n e

swings :: park days :: apricots :: (more apricots) :: lost teeth :: cousins :: reading with grandma :: self-portraits

July 7, 2012

new blog

Welcome to hummingbird*sea! I wanted to get back into regular blogging, but I also felt like my other blog had run its course. The address was millieleevaughn and of course we have William now, too, plus I wanted a new look and feel. So I started a new blog! I'm excited to start posting more regularly.

The next week or so I'll be playing catch up, at least for summer happenings, and then I hope to get into a rhythm that will keep it current.

Thanks for visiting!